Friday, July 4, 2008

A New 4th of July Tradition

This year for the 4th of July we participated in the first annual Villebois 4th of July parade. It was the cutest, most fun, best organized parade we have ever been in. All of the kids (and many parents...gosh some of you parents are so wonderfully festive) dressed up and decorated their bikes, scooters, and wagons. Dogs (including Holly) dressed up and came out to enjoy the walk. We followed a decked out, bubble-blowing mini van for the loop and ended at a park for an amazing potluck picnic. You all know my passion for cake, and OH MAN was there some good cake there!!!!

So, yes, I took a lot of pictures during the parade. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to best to get those pictures your for y'all to see. Stay tuned!

For now, here are a few pictures of my girls, and also a couple of "chicken," who was the "hood" ornament on Ava's bike.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Looks like great fun!

Thanks for Looking!